
Summary The demand for different mineral raw materials increases from one year to the next, and the same applies to graphite. Especially due to the increasing demand in the course of electromobility. In order to secure the supply for the next years, it is always evaluated whether former mining sites can be reactivated, which is also the case in the investigated measuring area in Amstall (Lower Austria). In the 1980s, Austria was one of the largest graphite exporters worldwide, especially in Lower Austria. Since graphite is very conductive, several geophysical exploration methods are suitable for this purpose. A comparison between the ERT, IP and SP was attempted and subsequently correlated. The SP anomalies were used as a guide to plan the ERT/IP profiles. The certain areas were further investigated based on the geoelectrical measurements by means of geochemical investigations. Based on the results of the measurement methods, different graphite occurrences could be confirmed.

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