
Fibrinogen/fibrin degradation products (FDP) have been measured in serum by radioimmunoassay for fragment E (FgE), one of the terminal fragments in plasmic digestion of fibrinogen, and the results compared with those determined by both a tanned red cell haemagglutination inhibiton immunoassay (TRCHII) and a latex particle agglutination inhibition immunoassay. The detection limit of the FgE assay was 0.8 ng/ml, that of TRCHII was 625 ng/ml and the latex particle agglunitaion inhibition immunoassay was 10 mug/ml. All the samples measured had detectable levels of FDP with the FgE assay, whereas only 88% were measurable with the TRCHII and 2% by the latex particle agglutination inhibition immunoassay. A comparison of those samples giving a positive result with both the TRCHII and FgE assay showed overall agreement between the results of the two types of assay, but there was considerable scatter of FgE levels at each point of the TRCHII. The major advantages of the radioimmunoassay system are greater sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility.

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