
In a double blindfold test 22 hearing impaired persons with a slight and moderate hearing loss have compared hearing aids with directional microphone to hearing aids with conventional microphone. A discrimination test in the sound—box showed a significant difference between the two types in favour of the hearing aid with directional microphone. A group conversation situation built up in a sound—box where the testpersons had the opportunity of comparing the two types of hearing aids also showed a significant difference. A comparison in a field test did not show corresponding results. The research project may indicate both pros et cons in connection with the hearing aid with the directional microphone. It was advantageous under critical listening conditions. Disadvantages occurred when the test persons heard sounds from behind. Furthermore there was a disturbing rubbing noise in this hearing aid.22 horehœmmede med lette og moderate horetab har i et dobbelt blindforsog sammenlignet hore—apparater med retning...

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