
In today Internet has grown to be persistent in daily livelihood furthermore Cloud computing is a rising model where computing resources offered over the Internet as scalable, on-demand (Web) services. An association deploy internet service needs to use enormous amounts of money on infrastructure needs to serve feasible users which is not a problem for large venture but when it comes to Small and Medium Enterprises or Enterprises affordability becomes a huge factor with the huge infrastructure come problems like machines failure, hard drive noises, software bugs, etc. Here might be a big problem for such a community. Cloud Computing is the ultimate solution to this problem. Rather than buying, installing and operating its own systems, an organization can rely on a cloud provider to do this for them. Cloud Computing key market leaders like Google, Amazon and Microsoft etc, these providers introduce new operating and business models that allow customers to pay for the resources they completely use, instead of making tremendous upfront investments. The purpose of this paper is to analyze most popular platforms, The Google App Engine, Amazon Web Services, and Windows Azure Platform.

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