
A mlapitta is a disease of the major digestive disorder commonly being met by Ayurveda physicians. In this condition though signs and symptoms are vague, the patient will be affected physically, occasionally some psychological symptoms also will be associated. A s e ries o f whole digestive system malfunctions such as anorexia, nausea, acid eructation, heart burn etc . Are seen at the physical level, though the aetiological factors like indulgence of incompatible food, irregular food intake, and excessive fried foods are resp onsible for the origin of the disease. Alcohol, smoking and stress are also not an exception. A ttempt has been made to treat the condition from its root cause by using a dietary therapy and find out a cheap and easily available Ayurveda compound and A ntaci ds. 60 numbers of patients having of acid eructation, heart burn, Belching, abdominal fullness, constipation, nausea with negative endoscopy result s were selected and randomized in to th ree groups A , B, C, administered Ayurveda Compound , Antacids and D iet ary therapy respectively and results were analysed by comparing relief of symptoms during the trial period , percentage of reoccurrence of s y mpt om s during and after trial period , compliance and complications in between groups.

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