
An attempt is made to study multifractal specific heat from Fq, modified Gq and Takagi moments, which can provide some interesting information about event-by-event fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions at high energies. It is an established fact that constancy of the specific heat (CSH) of solids and gases helps explain thermodynamical behavior of intermittency and multifractality in A–A collisions at different projectile energies. It is worthmentioning that the present paper deals with multifractal specific heat, c, extracted from Fq, modified Gq and Takagi moments for the experimental as well as FRITIOF generated data on 14.5A GeV /c28 Si -nucleus interactions. The results obtained using the three approaches are compared for both the data sets. The observed power law behavior reflects self-similar property of the multiparticle production process. The common feature of the multifractal specific heat obtained using the three approaches is that there is no systematic variation in its value for different orders of the moments. Furthermore, the value of c is found to be different for both the data sets and no strong target mass dependence is observed in any of the cases. A noteworthy observation is that a non-zero finite value of the multifractal specific heat may be considered a good signal for the presence of multifractality in the relativistic charged particle multiplicity distribution.

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