
To examine certain characteristics of multistep carcinogenesis, we studied telomerase activity and malignant phenotypes in the immortal, premalignant and malignant stages of esophageal epithelial cells induced by HPV. An immortalized human fetal esophageal epithelial cell line (SHEE) was induced by E6E7 genes of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 18. Cells in the 10th passage, (SHEE10), 31st passage (SHEE31), 61st passage (SHEE61) and SHEE61A which were selected and expanded from anchorage-independent growth colonies of SHEE61, were examined as follows: cell morphology by electron-microscopy; the cell cycle by flow cytometry, telomerase activity by TRAP assay, tumorigenic detection including anchorage-independent growth by soft agar culture and tumor formation by inoculating cells into SCID and nude mice, and detection of HPV18 E6E7 oncoprotein by Western blot. The morphology of the SHEE10 cells exhibited good differentiation, the SHEE60 and SHEE61A cells were relatively poorly differentiated, and the SHEE31 cells were differentiated in two distinct ways. The telomerase was activated in SHEE31, SHEE61 and SHEE61A, but not in SHEE10 cells. SHEE61 and SHEE61A cells were weakened in contact-inhibition and increased in anchorage-independent growth. Inoculated into SCID and nude mice, the cells of the earlier two passages could not develop tumors; the SHEE61 developed one tumor in four SCID mice, but not in nude mice, and the SHEE61A cells developed tumors in both strains of immunodeficient mice. HPV18 E6E7 DNA detection by Western blotting was positive in all cell passages. In the process of carcinogenesis by HPV, the cells of SHEE31 are in an immortalized state with telomerase activity. The fact that SHEE61 cells remained immortalized and also demonstrated anchorage-independent growth, reveals premalignant character; the cells of SHEE61A exhibited malignant transformation with tumor formation in mice. The results revealed that the telomerase activity, anchorage-independent growth and tumor formation in nude mice are the indicators for immortalization, premalignancy and malignancy, respectively.

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