
This experimental work tries to characterize the monoamine oxidase of microsomal origin through its kinetic and molecular properties, and to establish a comparative study with the enzyme present in rat liver mitochondria. The temperature effect upon this catalytic activity was examined and similar behaviour of MAO A and MAO B between both cellular fractions was found. The study of the pH dependence of initial velocity showed similar results both in mitochondria and in microsomes.The FAD cofactor is covalently attached to the MAO of microsomal origin. The FAD containing subunits corresponding to MAO A and MAO B, previous binding of the enzyme with [ 3H]pargyline and posterior SDS electrophoresis and fluorography, showed molecular weights of 65,900 and 62,400, respectively, in both cellular fractions. The inhibition curves with clorgyline, deprenyl, semicarbazide and KCN, measuring the remaining activity towards 1 μM of benzilamine, indicated that in mitochondria 5% of the total activity is due to the presence of SSAO activity whereas in microsomes this activity represents about 20%. From all these results it appears that mitochondrial and microsomal MAO are related enzymes, although further structural studies are necessary to confirm their possible identity.

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