
This in vitro study evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) between ceramic brackets (CBs) and resin composite restorations (RCRs) prepared using different surface treatments. The findings were also compared with a similar study that used stainless steel brackets (SSBs). Forty-five premolars were restored with a nano-hybrid composite resin (Tetric EvoCeram) and randomly assigned to three surface treatment groups: group 1, 5 per cent hydrofluoric acid (HF); group 2, air abrasion (50 μm alumina particles); and group 3, diamond bur. Specimens were bonded with CBs (Fascination) and exposed to thermo-cycling (500 cycles). The shear force at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/minute was transmitted to brackets. The adhesive remnant index (ARIs) scores were recorded after bracket failure. The analysis of SBS variance (P < 0.01) and chi-square test of ARIs scores (P < 0.01) revealed significant differences among three groups tested. The SBS in group 3 (mean: 26.34 ± 4.76 MPa) and group 2 (mean: 26.68 ± 5.93 MPa) was significantly higher than group 1 (mean: 16.25 ± 5.42 MPa). The SBS was significantly higher in CBs (mean: 23.09 ± 7.19 MPa) compared to SSBs (mean: 15.56 ± 5.13 MPa). High ARIs (100 per cent) occurred in SSBs treated with a diamond bur, whereas CBs primarily failed at the resin-adhesive interface (P < 0.01). In two-thirds of the specimens (SSBs or CBs), no adhesive was left on the restoration after HF conditioning. The ARIs profile of CBs and SSBs that received surface treatments with air abrasion were similar (P > 0.05) and bond failure occurred mainly in adhesive-bracket base and resin-adhesive interfaces. The diamond bur surface treatment is recommended as a safe and cost-effective method of bonding CBs to RCRs.

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