
Abstract Detailed single‐channel continuous seismic reflection profiling data from four gulfs as well as onshore neotectonic investigations have allowed the study of the neotectonic structure of the Hellenic arc along a complete transverse section from its external area in the trench to the internal back‐arc area.Messiniakos Gulf is an asymmetric NW‐SE structure with considerable tilt towards the NE. It is the direct continuation of the continental slope from the trench to the island arc (Peloponnesus, Crete, Dodekannese). Argolikos Gulf is an almost symmetric NW‐SE graben occupying the northern edge of the Cretan back‐arc basin. Saronikos Gulf is a multi‐complex structure of a NW‐SE graben in the SW (Epidaurus Basin) and alternation of E‐W horsts and grabens in the North. Its neotectonic evolution is characterized by the Plio‐Quaternary volcanic arc activity. Southern Evoikos Gulf is a relatively shallow neotectonic graben in the back‐arc area at the northern prolongation of the Cycladic Platform.Each of the above neotectonic basins has its own characteristics which are probably due to their geodynamic position in the Hellenic arc. In general, there is a decrease in the neotectonic deformation, the sediment thickness and the sedimentation rates from SW to NE, going from the periphery to the core of the arc.

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