
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM There have been many studies made of music talent and nationality. Out of the many racial groups studied, the Negro has probably been subjected to the most searching analysis. In the field of music, he is being closely studied with the result that much significant information of educational importance is being uncovered. The procedure in testing the Negro for musical talent has been along lines of comparison with other nationalities and with native whites in particular. Many types and kinds of tests are being made which measure extensively many phases of music fundamentals. Items of pitch, rhythm, time, consonance, melodic and harmonic discrimination, etc., make up the bulk of the testing material now available. The study here presented is based upon a comparison of scores earned by Negro and white children on tests of Melodic and Harmonic Sensitivity. It is an attempt to obtain further knowledge on the musical talent of the Negro by comparison with native whites. This particular study was undertaken with the purpose of yielding more educationally reliable findings on the potential talent and training needs of the Negro. From other studies similar to this one, we get conflicting results. Some show the Negroes to be superior to the whites. Some studies reveal the Negro to rank higher in certain measurements involving the measurement of rhythm. Again, results have shown in some instances no difference of any importance between the Negro and the white. Public opinion gives the Negro a rather good musical reputation. How has this reputation, deserved or undeserved, been earned? The educator as a research student is eager to learn whether the Negro is comparable to the white, and, if differences exist, what educational implications are involved. Common beliefs, therefore, have to be broken down and new concepts set up, backed by statistically reliable information. The general opinion of those who have sought to answer these questions is, that the Negro is intellectually inferior to the white race. The greatest deficiency is thought to be in analysis, judgment, reasoning, and simple understanding. The reason for this could be the lack of adequate educational facilities for the Negro. It has only been for the past 65 years that free education has been made available to the Negro. Sixty-five years cannot build standards of achievement that will be on a level with the educational standards of the native whites. However, the Negro may not be the equal of the whites intellectually for some contend that he is inferior in endowment and mental equipment. This study was undertaken with these thoughts in mind. Research of

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