
Abstract:Studies of sexual orientation or sexual behavior in homosexual groups have been carried out from various aspects, such as religion, health, psychology, philosophy, anthropology or law. This paper aims both on conducting studies of sexual orientation in gays and lesbians, and also in its movement. This study focuses on the comparison by discussing the history of the entry of gays and lesbians in America first. United State has made a policy with the granting of same-sex marriage rights through the 2015 Obergefell Supreme Court ruling; hence, the rejection of same-sex marriage was unconstitutional action. Churches also dare to facilitate the process of same-sex marriage, by reason of following state decisions. The LGBT movement especially gays as a pioneer called the Gay Liberation Movement has a strong influence in America in fighting for equality, and has a big contribution to the granting of the right to same-sex marriage. This right is also supplemented by adoption rights. If this condition is compared to Indonesia which has lots of similar movement and becomes one of the biggest movements in Southeast Asia, in contrast, the majority of people reject the status. Meannwhile, gays and lesbians demand on the basis of human rights protection. Related to this condition, Indonesia has different views on human rights values. Human rights have universal principles, yet the actualization of human rights can be particular. Indonesia could be like America, if there are no regulations and restrictions on gay and lesbian individuals with differences in their sexual orientation, including the and lesbian movements.Keywords: Movement, Gay, Lesbian, United State, Equality Recognition

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