
Background: Leading economic countries unswervingly illustrates the individual economic status of itspopulation and hence the insinuation of such economic status on oral cancer research of such countrieswould arrange for the various stratagems instigated by these coutries to confront the most hampered oraldisease of the world.Aim: To evaluate the highest Scimago Ranking journals among the top five economic countries around theworld and its scientific impact on oral cancer research.Materials And Method: In this study, the top five economically developing countries such as USA, China,Japan, Germany, and India were selected based on their GDP(Gross Domestic Product) and their scientificjournals related to oral cancer articles were retrieved from the electronic databases using the keywords(grossdomestic product, scimago ranking, oral cancer). Then the parameters which include the highest scimagoranking index, number of citations and cited documents were collected and analyzed.Results: The mean per capita gross domestic product for the United States of America is $64,864.62 andoverall scientific oral cancer, research output was ranked first in the scimago ranking journals (Q). Othercountries had a Variation in gross domestic product rate and ranking of oral cancer research.Conclusion: This study concluded that the United States of America ranks first in the gross domestic rateand scientific oral cancer research output. The evaluation of scientific oral cancer research enables a countryto define its position and in order to improve the funding resources of the research field.

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