
The effects of ethamsylate and mefenamic acid on menstrual blood loss were compared in a double-blind trial in 34 women with menorrhagia. Both drugs produced statistically significant reductions in blood loss during the 3 months of treatment; the overall reduction was 20% in the ethamsylate group and 24% in the mefenamic acid group. Compared with pretreatment values, blood loss was significantly less in each of the 3 treatment months in the mefenamic acid group, but only in the second and third months of treatment in the ethamsylate group. However, more women had a clinically useful reduction in blood loss (greater than 40%) in the ethamsylate group. The onset of effect of mefenamic acid was rapid but ethamsylate showed a comparatively greater effect as the trial progressed. Cessation of treatment was followed by an increase in blood loss, more pronounced in mefenamic acid group who reverted to pre-treatment levels. A greater number of side-effects were reported with mefenamic acid.

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