
Detection and classification of the different seismic events are important tasks in volcanological observatories. Trying to make these an automatic process is fundamental for the volcanological community. It is crucial to choose how the seismic signal is represented in terms of parameters or features useful for dealing with the automatic classification problem, since the number and type of parameters could be really large leading to the curse of dimensionality issue. Machine learning theory establishes that in order to build a classifier from a labeled database, there should be a compromise between the complexity of the classifier and the size of the database. Since generating a manually labeled database is a tedious work performed by specialists in volcanology, the size of the databases limits the complexity of the classification systems built by them. On the other hand, if the databases could be represented by a reduced, but relevant, number of features, the complexity of the classifier would be simplified. In order to study the problem just described, this paper performs a comparative study of different classical techniques of dimensionality reduction (DR) of the feature set. The algorithms implemented include feature selection techniques as wrappers and filters and methods which directly transform the original feature space into another with lower dimension. All algorithms have been tested using an automatic classification system of volcano-seismic events. The best results have been obtained with the discriminative feature selection (DFS) algorithm which belongs to the set of wrapper methods.

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