
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a well recognized problem pathogen all over the world both in the nosocomial as well as in the community. Accuracy and promptness in the detection of methicillin resistance is of key importance to ensure correct doses of antibiotic treatment in infected patients as well as control of MRSAisolates in hospital environments. The present study was aimed to compare the efcacy of the susceptibility testing methods as prescribed by CLSI guidelines. Agar dilution, Disk diffusion, E test, Ezy- MIC and Hi- comb test were compared for detecting high level methicillin resistance in S aureus. The results for these phenotypic methods were compared using PCR amplication of the mecAgene as gold standard. Atotal of 106 strains of S aureus were isolated from clinical samples like blood, surgical specimens, wounds, burns and urine, from a tertiary care hospital of Central India. Out of 106 S aureus isolates 98 are mecApositive and 8 are mecAnegative. When compared with PCR for mec A, Disk diffusion- 95.91% sensitivity and 87.5% specicity, Agar dilution method- 96.93% sensitivity and 87.5% specicity, Hi-Comb test- 97.95% sensitivity and 87.5% specicity and E-test and EZY- MIC shows excellent results with 100% sensitivity, specicity, PPV and NPV. the most appropriate and accurate test giving 100% concurrence with the Gold standard was E-test and EZYMIC, with EZYMIC being much advanced in performance and reading results.

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