
HMM is regarded as the leader from last five decades for handling the temporal variability in an input speech signal for building automatic speech recognition system. GMM became an integral part of HMM so as to measure the efficiency of each state that stores the information of a short windowed frame. In order to systematically fit the frame, it reserves the frame coefficients and connects their posterior probability over HMM state that acts as an output. In this paper, deep neural network (DNN) is tested against the GMM through utilization of many hidden layers which helps the DNN to successfully evade the issue of overfitting on large training dataset before its performance becomes worse. The implementation DNN with robust feature extraction approach has brought a high performance margin in Punjabi speech recognition system. For feature extraction, the baseline MFCC and GFCC approaches are integrated with cepstral mean and variance normalization. The dimension reduction, decorrelation of vector information and speaker variability is later addressed with linear discriminant analysis, maximum likelihood linear transformation, SAT, maximum likelihood linear regression adaptation models. Two hybrid classifiers investigate the conceived acoustic feature vectors: GMM–HMM, and DNN–HMM to obtain improvement in performance on connected and continuous Punjabi speech corpus. Experimental setup shows a notable improvement of 4–5% and 1–3% (in connected and continuous datasets respectively).

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