
This research undertaking attempted to determine the Comparative Study of Child’s, Nourishment Methodology in Calbayog City. Specifically, it tried to determine the demographic profile of lactating mothers in terms of their age, number of child, occupation, monthly income, marital status and educational attainment; to determine the status of child nourishment; to identify the attitudes of the lactating mothers towards three (3) feeding practices, namely: pure breastfeeding, bottle feeding and mixed feeding; to determine the breastfeeding practices of the lactating mothers; to identify common illness of children from 0 - 2 years old; to find out the significant difference in the child nourishment methodology when lactating mothers are group into pure, mixed and bottle fed; to determine significant relationship between the respondent’s demographic profile and their nourishment attitude and practices. A total of 96 lactating mothers with children 0 – 2 years old served as respondents of this study. This study utilized the descriptive – correlation method of research using a set of questionnaire checklist made and validated by the researcher. The statistical tool used was the chi – square test to determine the significant difference and relationship between independent variables and the dependent variables. The independent variables included the demographic profile on age, marital status, occupation, monthly income and educational attainment. Also considered as independent variables were the feeding attitudes and practices of lactating mothers. The dependent variable on the other hand was the child’s nourishment categorized as over nourished, normal, well– nourished and undernourished. Based on actual findings, a majority of the respondents belonged to the stage of young – adulthood, with ages ranging from 26 – 29 years old. Most of them were plain housewives and college graduates. Their income ranged from P500 –2,399. Since most of them are practicing the family planning method, they were found to have only 1 – 2 children and only one (1) respondent had ten (10) children. Most of the respondents were married and some were single and separated. Concerning the breastfeeding attitudes and practices of lactating mothers, a majority of them were uncertain when asked about some of the attitudes in breastfeeding. Their answer pointed out that it causes sagging of the breast, affects mother’s figure, and causes loss of weight for mothers and male infants when breastfed were more obedient and respectful. Most of them strongly agreed about an attitude that breastfeeding is economical and less expensive. A majority of the respondents disagreed that it increased the size of the other’s breast. Most agreed that breastfeeding helped in preventing pregnancy. They also agreed that breastfeeding is done whenever the baby demanded for it. It helped prevent diarrhea; and it is practical to enhance bonding between the mother and the baby. Most were uncertain that breastfeeding is done to relieve soreness of breast. Some said it is not done when the mother is angry and the mother should not drink cold water since it stops the flow of breast milk. The common health problems that were identified were the respiratory or gastrointestinal problems which were commonly observed among bottle-fed infants, as well as those who practiced mixed feeding. A significant difference was seen among children when grouped according to feeding method. As to relationship, out of 8 independent variables, six (6) were found to be significantly related, these were the number of children, marital status, monthly income, occupation, attitudes and practices. However, two (2) independent variables such as age and educational attainment were found to be not significant.

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