
Access to safe drinking water is essential for human health. In Abbottabad, tap and bore water are commonly used, but there has been a recent increase in bottled water consumption. This study aimed to compare tap and bottled water quality in Jinnahabad, Abbottabad. Physicochemical and bacteriological analysis was conducted on water samples collected from various sources. Surveys and interviews were also conducted to assess consumer perceptions and costs. The study found that, on average, bottled water had better physicochemical quality, although both alternatives met WHO limits. Tap water had higher levels of E. coli due to a weak sanitation system. Interestingly, despite perceiving bottled water as safer, most respondents still consumed tap water daily. Shopkeepers reported higher bottled water purchases for travel but lower daily consumption. Tap water was the main source, according to the Cantonment Board Abbottabad, though resources were insufficient. Doctors confirmed tap water-related diseases. The study suggests further research into consumer behavior and recommends monitoring measures, staff evaluations, and penalties to reduce costs and waste.

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