
Very High-Energy Electron (VHEE) therapy is a rapidly developing field motivated by developments in high-gradient linacs. Advantages include sufficient penetration (>30 cm) for treatment of deep-seated tumours, measured insensitivity to inhomogeneities and rapid delivery time, making VHEE viable for treatment of heterogeneous regions, e.g. lung or bowel. Researchers at the University of Manchester and CERN have routinely produced accelerating gradients of ~100 MeV/m for the CLIC project. Suitable modification can result in a high gradient medical linac producing 250 MeV electrons within a treatment room. Radiobiological research for VHEE is vital to understand its use in radiotherapy and how it compares with conventional modalities. The goal of radiotherapy is to destroy tumour cells while sparing healthy cells, primarily by damaging DNA within the cancer cell. The study aim is to understand the fundamental interactions between VHEE and biological structures through plasmid irradiation studies - both computational, using the Monte Carlo GEANT4-DNA code, and experimental. Plasmid irradiation experiments have been carried out at using Co-60 gammas at the Dalton Cumbrian Facility and using 6-15 MeV electrons at the Christie NHS Foundation Trust to determine the type and quantity of damage caused to DNA by electron irradiation. These experiments are a world first in VHEE radiobiology, with further studies planned at higher energies using the CLARA and CLEAR facilities at Daresbury and CERN. These studies will also consider the effective dose range of VHEE with energy, as well as implications of damage on DNA. Research into this area of radiotherapy can provide a valuable addition to tools currently available to physicians in the fight against cancer.

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