
 The study of achievement and cognitive abilities and physical variables for children in the stage of 6-7 years is important as it gives a lot of indications and indicators for this school age, the study focused on a sample of the first grade pupils of some schools in Fallujah (100 students). The researchers used the descriptive method of the study and measured the attainment capabilities through a questionnaire prepared by them. Physical efficiency was also measured through Sargent Vertical-Jump test. The research problem was summarized in the presence of delays in the students' cognitive levels and their attainment abilities this led researchers to compare their achievement and cognitive abilities with physical efficiency and the study aimed to know and compare those variables for pupils’ ages 6-7 years .The Researchers concluded that the measurement of mental abilities is one of the most important processes for evaluating the academic and cognitive level of boys and girls and from the first grade of primary, which is the basic school stage that will be built on the rest of the later stages, they also concluded that the measurement of physical efficiency at this age is very important to know the level of motor and physical ability of children in order to evaluate the curricula of physical education lessons and school sports. The Researchers recommended to develop the attainment capabilities of first grade pupil in all Iraqi schools through changing and improving the curriculum by adopting modern teaching and learning methods, the development of means and methods of teaching staff and the development of curricula of physical education and sports lessons in order to develop and increase the muscle explosive power of the legs, which plays the main role in enhancing and improving the degree of physical efficiency of students in primary school .

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