
Our previous study showed that the sensitivity of head and neck fine-needle aspiration (FNA) procedures was significantly better in the cytopathologist-performed group than in the noncytopathologist-performed group (96 versus 67%). Recently, cytopathologists have learned to use ultrasound machines to assist them in performing FNA procedures. This study was designed to assess whether cytopathologist-performed FNAs with ultrasound guidance can improve diagnostic value in comparison to those done without ultrasound guidance. Two hundred consecutive head and neck FNA cases performed by the same cytopathologist with and without ultrasound guidance were reviewed. Cases consisted of 100 ultrasound-guided FNAs (USGFNAs) performed between July 2008 and March 2009 and 100 palpation-guided FNAs (PGFNAs) performed before July 2008. These cases were correlated with follow-up surgical diagnosis. The diagnostic, suspicious/atypical/suggestive, and nondiagnostic rates (%) for the head and neck FNAs were 83 versus 86, 10 versus 13, and 7 versus 1 in PGFNA group versus USGFNA group, respectively. Surgical follow-up specimens were found in 50 PGFNAs versus 35 USGFNAs. The true-positive, true-negative, false-positive, and false-negative rates (%) were 92, 2, 2, and 4 versus 80, 17, 3, and 0 in PGFNAs versus USGFNAs, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy were 96, 50, 98, 33, and 94% in PGFNAs versus 100, 86, 97, 100, and 97% in the USGFNA group, respectively. This study also shows increased FNAs of thyroid and salivary glands and other smaller nonpalpable lesions with ultrasound guidance. USGFNAs performed by a cytopathologist could significantly improve the specificity and NPV (P = 0.04) while preserving virtually the same excellent sensitivity and PPV as those of PGFNAs. With ultrasound guidance, a cytopathologist will be able to perform FNAs in smaller, nonpalpable lesions and target complex lesions with confidence and accuracy, thus achieving a better outcome.

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