
In this article we have reviewed antenatal care according to Ayurveda and Modern Science. In all Granthas many references have been citied regarding Garbhini Paricharya. Ayurveda gives more importance to diet for a healthy living, hence all kinds of Paricharya comprises focuses mainly on dietary habits. According to various Acharyas, Garbhini Paricharya is a systemic supervision undertaken in order to ensure proper nutrition of mother and fetus, its full growth and no defects in it along with no complications and pleasant delivery. Normal diet and mode of lifestyle of pregnant women, Garbhopaghatakar bhava (Contraindicated diet and mode of life or factors which harm fetus), Garbhasthapak dravya (drugs which useful for maintenance of pregnancy) are major aspects of Garbhini Paricharya. According to Modern Science Antenatal Care is a type of preventive health care. Antenatal Care includes prenatal screening and diagnosis to rule out and prevent maternal death, miscarriages, birth defects, low birth weight, neonatal infections and other problems. So Antenatal Care should be done in integrated way i.e., as per Modern science and as described in Ayurveda.

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