
The United States, one of the world's most prosperous countries in the development of college sports, has a relatively complete admissions policy. In order to ensure the overall quality of high-level athletes, it is essential to guarantee good enrollment. By comparing the enrollment policies of high-level athletes between Chinese and American universities, this paper examines the problems existing in the enrollment of high-level athletes in Chinese universities. It is found that in China, the first problem is the semi-transparency of the individualized admissions process of colleges and universities leads to unequal admissions; next, the schools give athletes candidates fewer majors to choose from; then, the unified national admissions will reduce the opportunities of candidates; finally, there is an information communication barrier between universities and candidates. Based on the above problems, this article, by referring to the admissions policy adopted by the United States, suggests collages in China objectively judge the situation of candidates and formulate a reasonable enrollment plan. First, establishing a third-party organization and improving the supervision system; next, giving candidates more opportunities to choose majors; then, establish a communication platform between colleges and candidates, so as to promote the continuous positive development of high-level athlete enrollment in Chinese colleges and universities.

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