
A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study is made on the inhibition of a few isozymes of carbonic anhydrase (CA) and some matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), both zinc containing families of enzymes, by sulfonylated amino acid hydroxamates. For both enzymes, the inhibition potency of the hydroxamates is found to be well correlated with Kier's first-order valence molecular connectivity index 1χv of the molecule and electrotopological state indices of some atoms. From the results, it is suggested that while hydroxamate-CA binding may involve mostly polar interactions, hydroxamate-MMP and hydroxamate-ChC (ChC: Clostridium histolyticum collagenase, another zinc enzyme related to MMPs) bindings may involve some hydrophobic interactions. Both MMPs and ChC also possess some electronic sites of exactly opposite nature to the corresponding sites in CAs. A group such as C 6 F 5 present in the sulfonyl moiety is shown to be advantageous in both CA and MMP (also ChC) inhibitions, which is supposed to be due to the interaction of this group with Zn 2+ ion present in the catalytic site of both families of enzymes.

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