
Marana is a very important process which plays most significant role in converting the minerals and metals in to assimilable, efficacious dosage forms, with least or no harmful effects. It is scientific process which includes Shodhana [Purification], Marana [Impregnation followed by calcination] and Amritikarana [re-moval of residual blemishes] etc. Role of Marana Dravya stands very important in this process as these drugs help in converting the minerals or metals into micro-fine state as well as develop new desirable ef-fects/ properties in the resultant products. Kasisa Bhasma is a popular Bhasma which is prepared from Kasisa [Green Vitriol-chemical formula -FeSo4.7H2O] It is Amla, Tikta, Kashaya in Rasa, Ushna Veerya drug with Vatashleshmahara, Grahi, Netrya, Keshya, Kanduhar, Vishhara, Krimihara, Switrahara, Vrana-hara properties and is indicated in various disorders i.e. Pandu, Mutrakriccha, Pleeharoga, Krimi, Shwitra, Rajoroddha etc. On analysis of its indications it can be seen that this Bhasma is indicated for internal as well as external use. That’s why this formulation for internal as well as external use having Kasisa Bhasma as an ingredient. Literary survey of classics shows various methods of Kasisa Bhasma preparation in which different Marana Dravyas are indicated among these Marana with Snuhipatra Swarasa seems specific which is referred by the text Rasa Tarangini- reference 21/255-258. But AFI referred Rasamritam for Kasisa Bhasma preparation. So the study was planned to compare the Kasisa Bhasma prepared by two methods [AFI vs R.T.] pharmaceutically with special reference to their Marana Dravya used, and analyti-cally on the defined classical and modern parameters of Bhasma Pariksha i.e. Sparsha, Varna, Niramlat-va, Rekhapurnatva, loss on drying, ash value, acid insoluble ash, assay for iron etc. to find out the effect of Bhavana Dravya used on the organoleptic and physicochemical characters of Kasisa Bhasma.

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