
Banks are played significant role in the development of economic condition of the country. The main of the research is to analyze the financial health of selected public and private sector banks in India. The financial performance of banks is analyzed by taking 5years data from 2016-17 to 2020-21. The study is based on using key financial parameters, selected profitability ratios, Liquidity ratios and Asset’s quality ratios of banks. For comparative analysis the T-test, mean value and Graphs are used. The descriptive statistics (T-Test) indicates that there is significance difference between overall performance of selected banks in India by analyzing key performance parameters from 2016- 17 to 2020-21. Hence, from the study it is cleared that IOB has good liquidity position over the last 5 years as compare to liquidity ratio except CD% and CAR%. Thus, from the overall comparative analysis of performances of both the selected bank, it observed that ICICI Bank has better performance as compare to IOB over the research period.

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