
Distributed Shared-Memory (DSM) systems are shared-memory multiprocessor architectures in which each processor node contains a partition of the shared memory. In hybrid DSM systems coherence among caches is maintained by a software-implemented coherence protocol relying on some hardware support. Hardware support is provided to satisfy every node hit (the common case) and software is invoked only for accesses to remote nodes. In this paper we compare the design and performance of four hybrid distributed shared memory (DSM) organizations by detailed simulation of the same hardware platform. We have implemented the software protocol handlers for the four architectures. The handlers are written in C and assembly code. Coherence transactions are executed in trap and interrupt handlers. Together with the application, the handlers are executed in full detail in execution-driven simulations of six complete benchmarks with coarse-grain and fine-grain sharing. We relate our experience implementing and simulating the software protocols for the four architectures. Because the overhead of remote accesses is very high in hybrid systems, the system of choice is different than for purely hardware systems.

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