
Sthoulya(Obesity) is considered as an Illness considered one amongst Astau Nindita due to multi-dimensional influence, ranging from mild to severe life-threatening effects. In the present study 40 patients were included to analyse the comparative effect of 2 main modalities used for management of Sthoulya, they are Udvartana by Haridradi Gana Churna & Kshara Basti. The patients were selected from opd & ipd of Muniyal Ayurveda Hospital. The study being a comparative clinical study with a pre and post-test design. The assessment was done by suitable scoring methods which were critically analysed. The results thus obtained were statistically subjected to Wilcoxin signed rank test was used in ordinal data and paired t test was used when data is numerical. For between the groups, Mann Whitney test was used for ordinal data and unpaired t test was used for numerical data. The end results obtained were interpreted accordingly. The study showed that Circumference of body parts like Chest, Hip and Mid-thigh circumference, Skin fold thickness at triceps, biceps, subscapular, thigh were better in Group A (Haridradi Gana) to targeting local fat accumulation whereas the Group B (Kshara Basti Group) was better in parameters like Nidradhikya, Khudha, body weight, BMI, circumference of abdomen, hip, midthigh, midarm & skin fold thickness of triceps and supra iliac region. This shows the efficacy of Kshara Basti in causing overall weight reduction.

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