
Women is endowed with energy of procreation for which menarche is the first step. Menstrual cycle commences with this and ends with menopause and having normal menstruation depicts the wellbeing of female. In normal menstruation the duration of menstruation is about 4-5 days, and the amount of blood loss is estimated to be 20- 80ml with an average 35 ml. Due to pradirana(excessive excretion) of raja (menstrual blood), it is named as pradara/asrugdara. Asrugdara characterized by excessive prolonged menstrual or intermenstrual bleeding due to Pradirana (excessive excretion) of raja (Menstrual blood), it is named as Pradara and or Asrugdara. As heavy menstrual bleeding is a debilitating disorder, the woman requires rapid, safe and effective treatment. In ayurvedic classicc a variety of treatments in the management of asrugdarahas been described. Out of them, the subject is selected to compare efficacy of Jeerakavaleha mentioned by Yogratnakara, with effect of Yastimadhu choornamentioned by Bhavaprakasha which is already proved in the previous study. Jeerakavaleha has Gerbhashyashodhaka, stambhaka, raktapittahara property.

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