
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in India in the 21st century. Sedentary life style and unhealthy food habits being a major causative factors, resulting in many serious systemic complications like Diabetes, Heart disease etc. Udvartana is commonly practiced and this therapy explained to be Kaphahara and Meda Pravilayana property. Asana is the first step of Hatayoga. One should practice Asanas to obtain Sthairya, Arogya and Laghuthva. Sthoulya is one such disease where Asanas are useful in reducing the weight and their complications. A Comparative clinical Study of 40 patients suffering from Sthaulya were selected after thorough history taking, clinical assessment and laboratory investigations. Patients were subjected to Udvartana using in Shaileyadi Churna, Group A and Udvartana with Shaileyadi churna and Asanas in Group B for a period of 14 days where in the procedure was carried out daily for 45 min.

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