
Arsha is as old mankind being an abnormal to routine life. Arsha does not cause any threat to life but troubles a lot, so it is included in one of the Astha Maharogas by Sushruta. This disease is largely confined to the Guda but also in Nasa, Netra, Karna etc. regions. Aetiological factors are vitiation of Doshas in Gudavalis, injury due to throne, stone, nail, vehicle, regular contact of cold water etc. Haemorrhoids are the varicosity of haemorrhoidal veins. Depending on the site these are 3 types viz, Internal, Externel and Intero-external Haemorrhoids. Depending upon bleeding these are 2 types which are bleeding and non bleeding piles. The presently available treatment measures are Aushadha, Shastra, Kshara and Agnikarma. Local external application is described by Sushruta, Yogaratnakara, Charaka and others. Hence a comparative clinical study is planned to evaluate the efficiency and malignant role of Haridradi Lepa and Pipplayadi Lepa in Arshas (Piles). In this study sample size of 40 patients were selected by simple random sampling, 20 in Group-A and 20 in Group-B, in Group-A, Haridradi Lepa was used, where as in Group-B Pippalyadi Lepa was used. The therapeutic effects was analyzed by using the subjective parameters viz. pain and discomfort during sitting and objective paramaters viz, size, BPR (bleeding per rectum), mucous discharge etc. The duration of treatment was 15 days and clinical assesement was done in 5 days interval. At the end of study, the Haridradi Lepa has shown significally benefical result in sustaianable manner.

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