
Due to present day lifestyle, a greater number of people are inclined to desk work and computer usage leading to many disorders. Manyasthamba is one among such disorders where the stiffness of neck with severe pain is the classical symptom which hampers our day to day life. While explaining treatment of Manyasthamba our Acharyas explained Rukshasweda and Nasya Karma as main line of treatment. Here a study was done by taking Gudashunti Yoga explained in Sharangadara Samhita indicated for Nasya and Kolakulattadi Churna indicated in Vatavyadhi explained in Ashtanga Sangraha for Ruksha Churna Sweda. A comparative clinical study of 40 patients suffering from Manyastambha were selected after thorough investigation. Patients were subjected to Nasya Karma in Group A and Ruksha Sweda and Nasya Karma in Group B for 7 days. Patients were assessed based on standard parameters before and after treatment and 7 days follow up. The statistical analysis revealed that there was a significant improvement in parameters like pain and stiffness. Hence proving the efficacy in the condition.

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