
Gridhrasi is one among Vatajananatmaja Vikara characterized by Sthabdhata, Ruk, Toda which radiates from buttock region, lumbar region, thigh, knee, calf muscles and legs. Gridhrasi is of two types viz Vataja and Vata Kaphaja Gridhrasi. Vataja Gridhrasi is characterized by severe pain and Vata Kaphaja Gridhrasi has symptoms viz Tandra, Gaurava and Aruchi. The signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi can be correlated to sciatica of modern medicine. Sciatica is characterized by constant aching pain felt in lumbar region which may radiate to the buttock, thigh, calf and foot and pain is experienced along the sciatic nerve pathway. It is a common condition with lifetime incidence varying from 13% to 40%. Matra Basti is indicated in dis-eases caused by vitiated Vata Doshas and thus considered as one of the treatments for Gridhrasi. It was a comparative clinical study with a pre and post design in 40 patients who were diagnosed with Gridhrasi, were assigned into 2 groups of 20 patients each randomly. After examination MatraBasti had given for group A with Vyoshadi Taila and group B with Sahacharadi Taila after Sthanika Abhyanga and Nad-isweda with respective oil for 7 days. The assessment criteria were noted before and after treatment and on followup. Among the subjective and objective parameters, Group A showed better reduction 51.47% in Ruk, Sthambha, Toda, Gaurava, active and passive SLR test, Bragard’s test and Lumbar movements. Group B does not have statistically significant over Gaurava, left lateral flexion and rotation to leave. Showed reduction 40.49% in Ruk, Sthambha, Toda active and passive SLR test and lumbar movement. Hence it can be concluded that MatraBasti with Vyosadi Tailam is having more effect on symptoms of Gridhrasi and shows long lasting result.

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