
Greevasandhigata Vata is a form of Vata Vyadhi caused by the interference or entrance of vitiated Vata in Greeva Sandhi, leading to symptoms like Sandhishoola (pain in joint), Sandhishopa (sweeling in joint), Prasaran Aakunchnayo Pravariticha Savedana (restricted movement of joint) etc. Cervical Spondylosis is one of the leading disorders in older adults caused by degenerative changes in cervical spine vertebrae and causing symptoms like pain & restricted joint movement, etc., in the neck, which further leads to the struggle of the patients to fulfil their daily routine work. Patients of Cervical spondylosis, are bound to choose analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections and physiotherapy as conservative treatments to improve their quality of life. In the advanced stage, surgical treatments like spinal fusion, spinal decompression, etc., are the only options. However, these procedures do not fulfil the goal of patients because of the very high cost and therapeutic limitations. Even after surgery, patients have to take analgesics for longer duration. These drugs are also not free from adverse effects like gastritis, hyperacidity, nephrotoxicity, etc. Treatment modalities like Agnikarma, Nirgundyadi Upanaha and Shephalika Kwatha are the non-pharmacological and result oriented therapies, recommended in Ayurveda for such type of disease condition. These are proven to be Vatashamaka & Vedanashamaka in various contexts.

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