
Background:Parikartika is a common painful condition among anorectal diseases which resembles with fissure-in-ano. In the present era, due to changing lifestyle such as sedentary work pattern, increased stress, improper dietary and sleep habits, various lifestyle disorders are increasing continuously.Aim and Objective:The aim is to assess the effect of Yashtimadhu Ghrita in comparison with lignocaine–nifedipine ointment in the management of Parikartika (Acute fissure-in-ano).Materials and Methods:A total of 36 patients of acute fissure-in-ano were selected and randomly allocated into two groups (18 in each group). In Group A (n = 18), local application of Yashtimadhu Ghrita in fissure bed (Parikartika) twice a day after sitz bath for 4 weeks was given. In Group B (n = 18), local application of lignocaine–nifedipine ointment in fissure bed (Parikartika) twice a day after sitz bath for 4 weeks was given.Results:Patients of Group A (Yashtimadhu Ghrita) taken more time than the patients of Group B (lignocaine–nifedipine ointment) to get relief from pain in ano. Ulcer in ano healed earlier in patients of Group A (Yashtimadhu Ghrita) in comparison with patients treated with lignocaine–nifedipine ointment application. Patients of both groups have taken similar time to get relieved from bleeding PR. Complete remission of symptoms of Parikartika was more in patients treated with Yashtimadhu Ghrita than lignocaine–nifedipine ointment.Conclusion:Both the interventions Yashtimadhu Ghrita and lignocaine–nifedipine ointment are equally effective in symptomatic relief in Parikartika (acute fissure-in-ano).

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