
Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis) is a type of Vatavyadhi (degenerative disease) that mainly occurs in Vrid- dhavastha (Old age) due to Dhatukshaya (cellular degeneration). Vagabhatta has also considered Vata Vyadhi as a Maharoga. It appears from the point of view of modern medical sciences that Sandhigata vata can be simulated with Osteoarthritis in its clinical appearance. Osteoarthritis is the most common articular disorder that begins asymptomatically in the 2nd and 3rddecades and is extremely common by age 70. Almost all persons by age 40 have some pathologic change in the weight-bearing joint. 25% of females and 16% males have symptomatic OA. This disease has been described in Ayurveda from ancient times. The disease Arthritis causes work disability. It limits everyday activities such as walking, dressing, bathing etc, thus making individuals handicapped. No treat- ment is available which can prevent the disease process. In western medical science, mainly analgesics, anti- inflammatory drugs or surgery are the options for the treatment of Osteoarthritis; don’t provide remarkable recov- ery but causes great adverse effect. Researchers are trying their level best for making drugs that can prevent or slow down or reverse joint damage. Panchakarma therapy is one of the important branches of Ayurveda, which deals mainly with the purification of the aggravated Doshas from the human system. This is the reason behind the selection of the topic entitled “A COMPARATIVE CLINICAL STUDY OF MATRA VASTI AND PICHU WITH RASNA TAILA IN SANDHIGATA VATA W.S.R TO OSTEOARTHRITIS”. We have used Panchakarma treatment procedure. Panchakarma treatment is believed to help in the radical elimi- nation of the disease-causing factors and maintain the equilibrium of doshas. The selection of Matravasti and pichu both are based on repeated recommendations of different Acharyas on Sandhigatavata. We used Rasna taila. Keywords: Sandhigata vata, Osteoarthritis, MatraVasti, Pichu, Rasna taila

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