
Background: To assess the evolution of the left ventricular mass index on echocardiography in candesartan-treated hypertension individuals with and without diabetes. Study Design: This is a cross-sectional comparative study. Place and Duration: The present study was conducted from June 2022 to February 2023. Methodology: A total of 120 male and female patients of 35-55 years of age, fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for this study and divided into two groups i.e. Group-A and Group B. In Group-A 60 diabetic type-2 hypertensive patients were considered while in Group B 60 non-diabetic hypertensive patients were included. Patients of both groups were treated with candesartan. Raw data was operated through SPSS version 2022 with the Mean standard deviation regression (Mean ± SD). Results: Significant changes (P≤0.05) in both groups were seen, the hypertensive diabetic patients showed Mean standard Deviation value (35.65 ± 5.93) whereas hypertensive non-diabetic patients showed Mean standard Deviation value (21.95 ± .48) respectively. Practical Implications: In the current study there was an echocardiographic comparison of left ventricular mass index changes in both diabetic and non-diabetic hypertensive patients was concluded with candesartan cilexetil. The findings of this clinical trial are so beneficial for hypertensive patients to manage their self. Practical implication This study compared the effect of candesartan on left ventricular mass index in hypertensive diabetic and non-diabetic patients. The results showed that candesartan was more effective in reducing left ventricular mass index in hypertensive diabetic patients. This study provides useful information for the management of hypertension in diabetic patients of the community. Conclusion: Candesartan reduced left ventricular mass index more in hypertensive diabetic as compared to non-diabetic hypertensive patients. Both diabetic and non-diabetic hypertensive patients had a reduction in blood pressure with candesartan. With the considerable BP drop, candesartan is a viable treatment for hypertensive diabetic patients. Keywords: Hypertensive, Diabetics, Candesartan and Left ventricular index, posterior wall thickness.

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