
The study is an attempt to find out the correlation and comparison between Sex-ratio and Literacy rate in Hooghly district of West Bengal. All the four Sub-division of the district are taken as the area of research work. The study of literacy rate and sex-ratio is small and there is enough provision to work on macro basis. The image of literacy rate and sex ratio reflects the demographic condition of a nation. India being a country with high population rate but with relatively low literacy rate and sex-ratio, (Census-2011 the literacy rate was 74.04% and sex-ratio was 940 females per 1000 males). Moving with the study we have observed a curve on sex-ratio which is upward rising.i.e. improving but at a slow rate. Chandan Nagore sub-division of Hooghly district which is our area of study has the highest literacy rate (83.60%) as well as sex ratio (975). Therefore it is a positive sign. Another variable literacy rate is also improving. During the research process it is found that the impact of the traditional superstitions, female infanticides, female negligence and discrimination, which are the biggest obstacles in the field of literacy rate and sex-ratio improvement. The obstacles are not only concentrated in the research but it is prevalent in all most every part of India.

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