
Iran is the land of miraculous energy types including wide range of renewable types of energy. In spite of these potentials however, little use has so far been made of these energy types mainly due to unfamiliarity and lack of scientific and technological dominance, and also the absence of necessary funds for conducting respective projects and plans. The most important reason behind this negligence is the lack of an independent and comprehensive law for clean energies, which serves as a firm support for development and usage of new energy types while possessing adequate implementation guarantee. Once formulated, the law becomes indispensable and is expected to remove and eliminate all the existing defects in the society and help improve the international policies and programs aimed at the global sustainable development using clean energies. Since the existing clean energy laws in Iran are so scattered and just imply this important subject in one or two simple clauses, this article seeks to identify the shortcomings and determine the need to formulate an independent legal framework, which responds to the current social needs, via a comparative study of the laws and regulations regarding clean energies in Germany, Italy, China and Iran, which indicates the legal status of the issue in these countries.

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