
The principal ulterior motive of this research was to break down the essential content of news editorials considering the details of Arab- Israel relations by a different newspaper. This circumstantial research appraised how much and in which direction diligence was paid to Arab- Israel relations news in the editorial of these newspapers. To delve into the status of Arab- Israel relations in the editorials of elite newspapers, content dissection was conducted. Two theories, the first agenda-setting theory and the second framing theory, were taken as a frame of current research. The determination of detailed results of this study concluded that most of the newspaper contents bounced on the Arab- Israel conflict/crisis and Israel latterly a pperception by Arabs that were highly addressed in the given time period. Conclusion of the quarter editorials summed up the multiple viewpoints. 2/3 of all editorials altercate the nonscientific affirmation. Tehran times had content that was contemptible of scientific affirmation. On the other hand, "The Washington Post" showed more addiction to focus the Arab- Israel relations.

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