
Abstract In equines, calls given by foals or mothers when they are seeking contact with each other or by stallions seeking contact with other group members could be classified as affiliative or separation calls when a reunion follows the vocalizations. To investigate how domestication can affect the characteristics of vocalizations produced by equines, separation calls produced by Przewalski's (Przw) horses and Mongolian domestic horses (MDH) living in the same habitat were recorded, spectrally analyzed, and compared. Species-specific acoustic differences were found in the separation vocalizations of mares and foals. In particular, the second and third formants of the calls emitted by Przw mothers were significantly higher in frequency than those emitted by Mongolian domestic mothers, whereas the same acoustical variables were significantly lower in Przw foals than Mongolian domestic foals. Second and third formants have a significant effect on discriminating separation calls emitted by mares and foals from these different equine species. With the exception of the duration of the call, no significant species-specific differences in acoustic parameters were observed in separation calls emitted by stallions. Bioacoustic analysis can discriminate 2 different species that can be affected by their environment, evolution, and social organization.

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