
Banks play a very important role in the Indian financial market as they are the biggest purveyors of credit and attract most of the savings from the population. Banking is necessary for the economic development of all the nations of the world because a developed banking system holds the key as well as serves as a barometer for the economic health of a country. In the Indian context, there were two phases of nationalization, the introduction of RRBs, and the entry of private sector banks and foreign banks, and now e-banking is some important and major changes that affect the structure as well as the functioning of the banks over time to time. Based on the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, Indian banks are of two categories under two terms, one is the “Schedule Commercial Bank” and the “Non-schedule Commercial Bank”. The banks selected for this study are State Bank of India, representing public sector banks, and HDFC Bank, representing the private sector; as they are the largest banks in their sector, considering their number of branches, customer base, and net worth. The objective of the study is to find consumer satisfaction in respect of e-banking and the perception of employees for using e-banking in Public and Private sector banks in the Balasore district of Odisha. It is found that banks are heavily dependent on message alerts to promote their e-banking products and services; it is felt that they should supplement this with other modes like print media, hoardings, email, etc. to stimulate e-banking usage and create greater awareness.

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