
This paper proposes a compact Thévenin model for a rectenna. This model is then applied to design a high-efficiency radio frequency harvester with a maximum power point tracker (MPPT). The rectenna under study consists of an L-matching network and a half-wave rectifier. The derived model is simpler and more compact than those suggested so far in the literature and includes explicit expressions of the Thévenin voltage (Voc) and resistance and of the power efficiency related with the parameters of the rectenna. The rectenna was implemented and characterized from −30 to −10 dBm at 808 MHz. Experimental results agree with the proposed model, showing a linear current–voltage relationship as well as a maximum efficiency at Voc/2, in particular 60% at −10 dBm, which is a remarkable value. An MPPT was also used at the rectenna output in order to automatically work at the maximum efficiency point, with an overall efficiency near 50% at −10 dBm. Further tests were performed using a nearby transmitting antenna for powering a sensor node with a power consumption of 4.2 µW.


  • AAbbssttrraacctt:: TThhiissppaappeerrpprrooppoosseess aaccoommppaaccttTThhéévveenniinn mmooddeell ffoorr aa rreecctteennnnaa

  • The rectenna is composed of an antenna, an impedance matching network, and a rectifier

  • The rectenna under study consists of an L-matching network and a

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AAbbssttrraacctt:: TThhiissppaappeerrpprrooppoosseess aaccoommppaaccttTThhéévveenniinn mmooddeell ffoorr aa rreecctteennnnaa. TThheeddeerriivveedd mmooddeelliissssiimmpplleerraannddmmoorreeccoommppaacctttthhaanntthhoosseessuuggggeesstteeddssooffaarriinntthheeliltiteerraattuurreeaannddinincclluuddeesseexxpplliicciitt eexxpprreessssiioonnss ooff tthheeTThhéévveenniinn vvoollttaaggee ((VVoocc))aannddreressisistatanncceeaannddooffththeeppoowweerreefffificcieiennccyyrreellaatteeddwwiitthhtthhee ppaarraammeetteerrss ooff tthhee rreecctteennnnaa. TThhee rreecctteennnnaa ((rreeccttiiffyyiinngg aanntteennnnaa)) ttrraannssffoorrmmss tthhee RRFF ssiiggnnaall ttoo aa DDCC vvoollttaaggeeaannddtthheemmaaxxiimmuummppoowweerrppooiinnttttrraacckkeerr ((MMPPPPTT))pprroovviiddeesstthheeooppttiimmuummllooaaddttootthheerreecctteennnnaattoottrraannssffeerrththeemmaaxximimuummppoowweerrtotoththeesseennssoorrnnooddee. The rectenna is composed of an antenna, an impedance matching network, and a rectifier. RizAattiothne [o2t5h,e2r9–e3x2t]r.emHeo,wtehveerT,héinvetnhinesepacrasmesetenros raerleatsiomnsehtipmwesitihntfherereredctbeynneaxpeariammeentetarls cisheasrtaacbtelirsihzeadti.on [25,29,30,31,32]. In these cases no relatiToanksihnigp iwntiothatchceourenctttehnenparpeavriaomuseltiemrsitiasteiosntasb, ltihsihsepda.per proposes a compact Thévenin model for the reTcatkeinnngainwtoithactchoeubnetnthefeitporfevaicohuiesvlimngitamtiaonnasg, ethabislepaepxperepsrsoiopnosseosfathceomThpéavctenTihnépveanrainmmetoedrselasfoar ftuhnecrteicotnenonf athweipthartahme beteenresfiotfotfhaecrheicetveinnngamsoanaasgteoagbaleinexinpsriegshsitoinstoofittshoepTehraétvioeni.nInpapraarmticeutelarsr,atshae rfuecntcetnionna oufntdheer pstaurdamy ceotenrssisotfs tohfearnecLt-emnnatachsoinagsntoetgwaoinrkinasnidghotfianthoalift-swoapveerarteicotnif.ieInr. pTahretipcurolapro, stehde mreoctdeenlnisa tuhnedneerxspteurdimy ecnotnaslilsytsveorfifainedLa-mndattchheinregctneentnwaofrukrtahnedr toefsatehdailnf-awhaivgehr-efcftiicfieenrc. Endix B shows simulations of the rectenna with and without the matching network.

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