
Background: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - 7 aimed to reduce by half the proportion of population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015. Without access to clean water and basic toilets, and without good hygiene practices, a child’s survival, growth and development are at risk. This study was conducted to assess the drinking water management and handling practices at household level of Sullia Taluk of Karnataka which would give an insight into drinking water management and handling practices in this area. Also the present study is planned to determine the sanitary practices in the households of Sullia Taluk. Methods: 260 houses were sampled using a probability proportionate to sampling size . A cross sectional study was done using a semistructured questionnaire to assess water handling, water management and sanitary practices. Free chlorine in the water was assessed by O- Toluidine. Results: Main source of drinking water was protected dug well in 31.5% and 75.3% did not have any alternate source of drinking water. 92% of those who stored water in overhead tanks and sumps did not clean them within seven days. 14% of the households did not use any of the water treatment methods before drinking. There was no free chlorine in the water of any of the households . 4% did not wash their hands with soap post-defecation. 28% of the households threw their waste indiscriminately around their house. 92% had cattle in close proximity to their house. None of the households practiced open field defecation. Conclusions: Health education is very important to prevent the incidences of water and sanitation related diseases. Emphasis needs to be given to behavioural change communication to create awareness among the households regarding the importance of water and sanitation practices.

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