
Introduction: Aging is a physiological phenomenon which nobody can escape. Population around the world is growing old at high rate with increasing life expectancy. The challenge ahead for health care in coming years is to ensure the quality of life to a large group of geriatric population. Aims: To study the socio-demographic factors of the geriatric population, to assess the morbidity status among geriatric population and to determine the association of socio-demographic factors with the health status of geriatric age group. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among persons with age 60 years and above in an urban slum of Mumbai from June 2017 to June 2018.Sample size was calculated based on the prevalence rate of general morbidity of geriatric population which is 52%.Sample size of 370 obtained. Result: Most of the study population had present illness (88.4%). Joint pain (62.93%), ocular problems (61.9%), anemia (50.3%), were the most common type of morbidity amongst study population followed by urinary, diarrhoea was (11.6% each) constipation, Breathlessness (11.4% each) and cough (10%). There was statistically significant difference between Joint Pain and gender (p =0.000), Ocular Manifestations (p= 0.000), Anemia and gender (p= 0.000). Hypertension was present in (50.3%) amongst study population. Knee was (31.6%) the most common site of joint pain amongst study population followed by hip pain (19.7 %) and ankle pain (11.6%). Conclusion:This study provides a baseline to help local authorities for understanding morbidity patterns of geriatric population.

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