
To obtain trace element data sets of sufficient resolution to resolve and interpret biogeochemical features, it is necessary to develop sampling schemes that are fast and reliable, retrieve uncontaminated samples, and are consistent with the new global‐ranging oceanographic programs. We present here a detailed description of a rosette‐based system for trace element determinations that meets these criteria. It has been used successfully on several CLIVAR cruises that required high‐resolution sampling for trace elements, and it has also been used on cruises for biological studies where large volumes of uncontaminated water were needed for deckboard incubations. With the exception of the weights used for ballasting, the rosette is an assembly of commercially available components and thus requires no custom fabrication. Comparison of Fe and other trace element concentrations in samples collected with this equipment and processed using these protocols with samples collected and processed using protocols developed in other trace element laboratories, during the SAFe intercalibration cruise, show essentially identical results.

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