
The source region of VLF saucers is consistent with a source extensive in longitude but narrowly confined in the other two dimensions.James [1976] shows that the source region of VLF saucers is confined in all three dimensions. That is, the horizontal dimensions (the ones perpendicular to the magnetic field) of the source region are typically 0.5 km and the vertical dimension is of the order of 10 km. The source region is thus effectively a point. The purpose of this brief report is to show that there is an alternate geometry to the source region which (1) is consistent with the data presented by James, (2) explains the internal inconsistencies in the data mentioned by James, and (3) is physically more reasonable. The alternate geometry is that the source region is confined in the vertical and in one of the horizontal dimensions as mentioned by James but is extensive in the other, usually the longitudinal, dimension. That is, the source region is effectively a line. I will comment briefly on the three points mentioned above. I refer the reader to James for references, examples of data, and a discussion of the possible importance of VLF saucers to the physical concepts such as double layers. This report is essentially a footnote to that article.

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