
The ionosphere of Jupiter's satellite Io, discovered by the Pioneer 10 radio-occultation experiment, cannot easily be understood in terms of a model of a gravitationally bound, Earth-like ionosphere. Io's gravitational field is so weak that a gravitationally bound ionosphere would probably be blown away by the ram force of the Jovian ‘magnetospheric wind’ — i.e., the plasma corotating in the Jovian magnetosphere. We propose here a model in which the material for Io's atmosphere and ionosphere is drawn from the ionosphere of Jupiter through a Birkeland current system that is driven by the potential induced across Io by the Jovian corotation electric field. We argue that the ionization near Io is caused by a comet-like interaction between the corotating plasma and Io's atmosphere. The initial interaction employs the critical velocity phenomenon proposed many years ago by Alfven. Further ionization is produced by the impact of Jovian trapped energetic electrons, and the ionization thus created is swept out ahead of Io in its orbit. Thus, we suggest that what has been reported as a day-night ionospheric asymmetry is in fact an upstream-downstream asymmetry caused by the Jovian magnetospheric wind.

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