
physical-organic chemistry communities. Toluene portrays the simplest representative of an alkyl-substituted benzene molecule with the methyl group enhancing the reactivity toward radical and electrophile aromatic substitution compared to benzene. It is further considered as a crucial building block to form methyl-substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as 1and 2-methylnaphthalene. In combustion flames, the formation of phenylacetylene 2, styrene 3, and biphenyl 4 (Scheme 1) can be rationalized through phenyl addition. Atomic hydrogen is eliminated upon reaction of the phenyl radical with acetylene (C2H2), [14] ethylene (C2H4), [15] and benzene (C6H6). [16] The analogous reaction of the phenyl radical with methane (CH4) does not lead to toluene, but solely to benzene plus a methyl radical (CH3) through hydrogen abstraction. [17] Consequently, the formation routes of toluene in combustion flames and in the interstellar medium have not been unraveled to date. Here, we show that the reaction of the ethynyl radical (CCH; C2H) with isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene; C5H8) presents a facile, barrierless route to the toluene molecule in a single collision event in the gas phase through the reaction of two acyclic precursor molecules. This reaction is also of interest to the physical-organic chemistry community since it represents a benchmark system to untangle the formation of a methylsubstituted aromatic molecule through radical substitution reactions involving successive isomerizations through cyclization and hydrogen shifts. Reactive scattering signal from the reaction of [D1]ethynyl radical C2D(X S) with isoprene (C5H8; X A’) was monitored at mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) of 93 (C7H7D ), 92 (C7H6D /C7H8 ), and 91 (C7H5D /C7H7 ). The signal atm/ z= 93 originates from the C7H7D product(s) formed through atomic hydrogen loss, whereas ion counts at m/z= 92 could have two contributions: an atomic deuterium loss connected to the formation of C7H8 products or dissociative ionization of C7H7D products in the electron impact ionizer of the detector. The signal at m/z= 91 may depict two contributions from dissociative electron impact ionization of C7H7D and/or C7H6D product molecules. However, all data could be fit with the product mass combinations of 93 amu (C7H7D) plus 1 amu (H). This finding suggests the existence of a [D1]ethynyl (C2D, 26 amu) versus atomic hydrogen replacement channel and the gas-phase synthesis of a molecule with the molecular formula C7H7D (Figure 1). Considering that the [D1]ethynyl reactant does not have a hydrogen atom, the hydrogen atom is emitted from the isoprene molecule. The laboratory angular distribution (Figure 2) extends at least 408 within the scattering plane and peaks close to the center-of-mass angle at 41.1 1.28. These results suggest indirect scattering dynamics through C7H8D complex(es). Scheme 1. Toluene 1, phenylacetylene 2, styrene 3, and biphenyl 4.

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